poetry and story inn fridays week 40, short story slam week 109


THIS WEEK’S WORDS come from “Making Arrangements” by David Keplinger: purses, attic, dusty, pass, rosary, shoes, tissues, window, stream, go, bags, say


theatre aquarius



a prank could hurt

a rubber band gives us instinct emotion

we never worry about one another

yet other people often comment on us

they believe that they shall be given invisible legs

so that their wisdom spread well

a passage and a chain of sunlight

all could give us reaction——–

so, shoes and tissues and purses come together

they are a mixed objects we carry

no dusty attic and rosary shoes to wear

yet a window of easy going light swing through

amelia and abbie, meredith and heather,  lisa and pheobe

why not bill gates more?




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